What is Aplastic Anaemia

Aplastic Anaemia is a rare, potentially serious and non-contagious bone marrow failure disease that occurs when the bone marrow stops making enough blood cells. A person has three major types of blood cells -red cells, white cells, and platelets. Anaemia results from reduced red cell production, infections are a result of reduced white cell production, an bleeding results from reduced platelet production.

Aplastic Anaemia can occur at any age, in any gender and in any race of people.

Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are produced in your bone marrow, the red, spongy core of your bones. In Aplastic Anaemia, the bone marrow is almost empty of blood forming stem cells and is described as hypoplastic or aplastic (Greek for low-or no- growth).

Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body, and when you do not have enough red blood cells, your body can not get enough oxygen. It is very common to feel tired when this happens as your body is being deprived of the oxygen it needs.

When you have Aplastic Anaemia, your bone marrow stops producing enough new blood cells. Because you are not producing enough white blood cells, you also are more prone to disease and infection. And because your blood does not produce enough platelets  to clot effectively, Aplastic Anemia can lead to unstoppable bleeding.

A simple cold or nose bleed can be quite dangerous to someone with Aplastic Anaemia.

It is believed that Aplastic Anaemia can be inherited or brought on by viral infection.
It is also believed that cancer, chemotherapy, strong medications, pregnancy and exposure to toxic substances can bring on what is known as secondary aplastic anemia.

The Symptoms

Shortness of breath without exertion
Rapid heart rate
Pale skin
Frequent infections
Unexplained bruising
Easy bruising
Nosebleeds and bleeding gums

I hope that this is have been of help to you and once again many thanks for taking your time out in reading this.

